Instead of organizing a trip to America, Europe or the Caribbean, why not book a trip with TRUEDISCOVERIES.ORG & visit places of great significance:
The Bible literally comes alive as you visit sites such as ISRAEL & see the doomed cities of Sodom & Gomorrah, the hustle & bustle of Jerusalem, the amazing place of Christ burial site & other interesting Biblical sites.
If Israel does not excite you, then why not come to TURKEY, to see the remains of Noah’s Ark, the Anchor Stones & the famous village of Eight in which it is near. You will also experience the Nomadic lifestyle of Noah & his family…..
We promise that your life will NEVER be the same again, once you have been on one of our tours! Consider these trips as a once in a life-time opportunity….Please email us for details. We can plan a trip for you privately, or as a group!
Please fill out the contact form below and one of our Tour-Guides will be in touch……