The greatest discovery ever, is that Gods Son walked with man over 2000 years ago……Can you imagine that! That the same God who created me & you and the whole universe, actually allowed His Son to give up His exalted position to walk with, help & die for mankind, because of our sins! Sometimes the very thought of this seems unbelievable, but the reality is, is that it actually happened!….
Friends, the truth of the matter is, is that we have ALL been lied to, concerning the existence of God & His Son & their true characters. Many people do not know, or even want to know who these marvellous Beings are, because they have not fairly studied their word and judge them for themselves. Indeed it has to be said, that they have been the most mistrusted & misunderstood Divine Beings, the World has ever known.
Satan has done a marvellous job in utilizing the media, movies, & certain religious teachers, in portraying God and His Son, as being non-existent, tyrants, or even worse, uncompassionate & untrustworthy. Added to this sad mixture of untruths, we have the growing number of paedophile priests, unloving & hypocritical Christians & the overwhelming misery & corruption flooding the World! Who would want to know God and His Son Jesus Christ & become a Christian? They certainly are on trial……Many people blame them for all the misery in this World, not fully understanding why & how all this misery has come about. The sad truth is, many people hate God & His Son Jesus Christ, without truly understanding them.
So for anyone, who would like to know more, we would like to offer a you FREE gift, which will really help you to understand who they really are, and what they have done and are doing for us RIGHT NOW!
Get your questions answered like; Who really is God & His Son? What are they doing? & Why are they allowing misery to reign in this World?
Why not see what God & His Son has to say? via this FREE resource in the privacy of your home, without any religious teachers, Pastors or Priests, trying to influence you to their way of thinking….. This FREE resource will help a long way in explaining the most important questions perplexing religious & non-religious people today concerning God & His Son.
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You will find this book to be a work of inspiration. It is the life story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known – Jesus Christ. This book does not merely set down a series of remote events; it presents the meaning of them, so vividly that we feel ourselves there. And we are made to understand, possibly for the first time, the true underlying significance of His deeds and their bearing on our own lives… here and now. This book has been called; “The most beautiful book ever written on the life of Christ” By the American Library of Congress.